Friday, April 2, 2010

Seeing is Achieving: How my Virtual Life Changed my Real Life

For about 9 weeks I have been participating in a program designed to help individuals re-frame the way they think about eating, movement and nutrition. This program is completely online and uses avatars to interact with small groups and with instructors on Club One Island located in a virtual world called Second Life.

Naturally I asked, "How in the world can I lose weight sitting in front of my computer?"  The Club One Instructors informed me numerous studies have shown people can change their actual behavior or circumstance by seeing themselves in an alternate reality.  I have often read in order to lose weight you have to see yourself smaller or if you wish to have success you must believe you can be successful.  The beauty industry uses imaging technology to allow people to try on different hairstyles and looks before taking the final leap.  People use virtual reality game consoles to imagine what it would be like to be a famous boxer, rock star or dancer.  Finally, it all goes back to the old saying, "if you can see it, you can achieve it."

I must admit in the beginning I was very skeptical of the entire program.  I am a person who already loves to work out so I really did not see how they could help me in this area.  However, after 9 weeks, I am a little sad it is coming to an end.  My life has changed.  Yes I have seen some measurable results, which I will reveal at the end of the 12 week cycle, but more importantly, I have seen my life change.  I am now much more aware of not only what I eat but how I eat it.  I have more tools at my disposal and have learned the benefits of portion control.  Once you are in control of your eating you can truly be free with food.  I used to sit and scarf down two bowls of cereal with no problem.  Now I can't imagine eating two bowls of cereal back to back.  I now know if I am still hungry after eating the first bowl I should wait 15 minutes before going back for more.  Waiting allows my brain to realize my stomach is full and usually I am not longer hungry (oh the calories I've saved).

I have always been a big fan of movement but attending classes at Club One Island in Second Life has allowed me to see my Avatar participate in activities that would otherwise be a stretch for me like surfing, skating and Yoga.  I recently started doing Yoga in the mornings and can already feel and see the benefits.  One day in the not so distant future, I may even get on a surf board just to see how it goes.

I will update this post in the future to share my results.

If you want more information about the program in general the following article provides detailed information.

Virtual Club in Second Life

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