Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Reason to Celebrate

I start this post off with an apology for being away so long. 

I will be the first to admit this summer has not been an easy one and I primarily stayed away so long because of my own shame.  Bottom line is that I currently have not met the goals I set for myself and for that I am truly embarrassed.  

I have a list of excuses about a mile long for why I did not reach my goals but I refuse to allow myself to continue the pity party any further.  I thank God for support partners who can see more than what I see and can look at situations with an objective eye.

Losing weight and taking a journey towards a healthier lifestyle can be challenging and you will be met with highs and lows along the way.  Suggestion:  find that person (someone you trust) you can confide in about your goals and plans.  This person should serve as someone with whom you can be accountable.  This person should be able to balance constructive criticism with encouragement and know exactly when to apply each. 

Last week I needed my friend to be encouraging and because of their optimistic words I am able to write this post today.  My friend sat me down and went through the things I did accomplish this summer.  After our discussion I was able to see more clearly and discover that even though I am not where I want to be, I am no longer where I used to be and for this I am very thankful.

This is why I cannot continue with my pity party; I have every reason to celebrate!  I only lost five pounds when I wanted to lose 12 but I did not gain weight like I did last summer.  Even though I am heavier than I was when I used to put on a pair of my favorite jeans they are looser now because I have less body fat. 

I encourage you all to find a friend and find reasons to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments throughout your journey for these are the things that will keep you running when your tank is low.